Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anticipation & 10 months

I have found myself thinking about the approaching lent and getting quite excited about the beginning of this fast period. It's sad to admit but I have been much to consumed in worldly pleasures and find that I must stop this consumption as it has been affecting my spiritual well being. In preparing for this great fast I am going to begin some small changes that I think will make a big difference.

Ice Man is now 10 months. I still can't get over how fast babies grow. He is still my small one which I am very happy about. The girls were always in the 75th to 90th percentile and sometimes 95th for their growth process. They just didn't stay little small babies very long. Ice Man on the other hand is small. He hasn't crossed the 25th percentile yet, for me it makes it seem as though he is more baby. He has four teeth and is starting to use them. His favorite is to bite your shoulder as you are holding him upright. He is still doing his army crawl but is starting to get on all fours. He hasn't quite figured out what to do form there other than rock back and forth. I am so very grateful to be able to stay home and see all his developments as I wasn't able to with the girls.

As for the rest of the family, they are all doing well. The girls are enjoying the weather and being outside and playing. They are outside for hours and just love it. The summer months make it rather difficult to be out as it is so hot. Hubby has a few exciting opportunities that  may be coming his way. I am praying for him and that we will be guided on the right path.

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