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Monday, May 30, 2011
MJ 5/29/10
It was such a nice day in church. The girls were so well behaved. Ice Man is starting to get irritable in church but I think its partially due to it being nap time.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
June Monthly Missions
I easily get distracted especially when it comes to organization and goals. I often set all sorts of goals and have plans to be organized but start with one task and move onto the next, much like my reading has been. I have become quite a scatter brain since having kids and even,more so since I have been staying home.
I thought I would start having monthly missions or goals to help me stay more accountable. I do not want to have more than five items to concentrate on as I think that might just set me up for failure. So here goes:
1. Potty Training Dan Dan
2. Wean Ice Man from breastfeeding
3. Read Bob Books each day with Pic Pic
4. Go through and condense the family's clothes.
I realize the first two may take a couple months. As far as breastfeeding is concerned I would like to limit it to a sleep routine for naps and at night.
On a side note for those of you that have weaned a nursing baby, when do you know the timing is right and how do you go about it? We have already introduced whole milk and he will drink it. I just feel bad not nursing him when he wants it. I try to give him milk first before nursing. And sometimes it is so much easier to nurse.
I thought I would start having monthly missions or goals to help me stay more accountable. I do not want to have more than five items to concentrate on as I think that might just set me up for failure. So here goes:
1. Potty Training Dan Dan
2. Wean Ice Man from breastfeeding
3. Read Bob Books each day with Pic Pic
4. Go through and condense the family's clothes.
I realize the first two may take a couple months. As far as breastfeeding is concerned I would like to limit it to a sleep routine for naps and at night.
On a side note for those of you that have weaned a nursing baby, when do you know the timing is right and how do you go about it? We have already introduced whole milk and he will drink it. I just feel bad not nursing him when he wants it. I try to give him milk first before nursing. And sometimes it is so much easier to nurse.
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June 2011 Bookshelf
I used to be the type of person who would only read one book at a time; finish one book before moving onto the next one. Now I have an endless amount of books to read, some halfway through and many with only the first chapter read.
My goal for June is to work through the following books:
The Law of God
The Royal Way of the Cross of our Lord Leading to Eternal Light
The Purple Mantle
So You're Thinking About Homeschooling
The Read Aloud Handbook
Organized Simplicity
The Kill Artist
The Brothers Karamazov
Now its time to hit the books.
My goal for June is to work through the following books:
The Law of God
The Royal Way of the Cross of our Lord Leading to Eternal Light
The Purple Mantle
So You're Thinking About Homeschooling
The Read Aloud Handbook
Organized Simplicity
The Kill Artist
The Brothers Karamazov
Now its time to hit the books.
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MJ 5/28/11
It was such a nice day having hubby home and knowing he has a three day weekend. I was able to fold and put away the piles of clean clothes we had building. Other than that we hung out at home until it was time for Vigil.
Ice Man seems to be moving towards one nap a day. His first nap is getting longer as his second nap is getting shorter.
Ice Man seems to be moving towards one nap a day. His first nap is getting longer as his second nap is getting shorter.
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Curriculum 2011/2012
After much reading I finally decided on resources to use for our curriculum this year.
Let Us Attend
God With Us Publications
OCA Focus Units
Orthodox Online
Bob Books
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Explode the Code
Language Lessons for Little Ones
Handwriting with out Tears
Dry Erase Writing Practice
Paidea Classics
Learning Horizons Workbook
Before Five in a Row
Five in a Row Vol I
Letter of The Week
Preschool Pack
Tot Packs
Read Alouds
Seaseme Street First Crafts
My goal is to slowly incorporate the following: poetry, music, keepers of the home, additional saints, and podcasts from ancient faith radio.
We will have daily lessons on our Orthodox studies. Monday through Thursday we will include reading/phonics, writing, math, and literature. Friday will be for science and the additional activities I have listed above. We will also use Friday as a catch up day for any work we didn't complete during the week.
My goal is to have some written out lesson plans to help guide me. But I will still be fairly flexible along the way.
Let Us Attend
God With Us Publications
OCA Focus Units
Orthodox Online
Bob Books
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Explode the Code
Language Lessons for Little Ones
Handwriting with out Tears
Dry Erase Writing Practice
Paidea Classics
Learning Horizons Workbook
Before Five in a Row
Five in a Row Vol I
Letter of The Week
Preschool Pack
Tot Packs
Read Alouds
Seaseme Street First Crafts
My goal is to slowly incorporate the following: poetry, music, keepers of the home, additional saints, and podcasts from ancient faith radio.
We will have daily lessons on our Orthodox studies. Monday through Thursday we will include reading/phonics, writing, math, and literature. Friday will be for science and the additional activities I have listed above. We will also use Friday as a catch up day for any work we didn't complete during the week.
My goal is to have some written out lesson plans to help guide me. But I will still be fairly flexible along the way.
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Schedule & Attendance Log
I created a schedule based off The Well Trained Mind. My plan is to homeschool year round and go no longer than 6 weeks of school before we take a break. I printed this calendar from Donna Young to help me jot down a schedule. First I thought about what breaks we would defianetly need, Nativity and Pascha. I then decided on a start date of September 6th to correlate with the start of the Church year and went on from there. Here is the schedule I came up with:
School: Sept 6 - Oct 14 (6 wks)
Break: Oct 17 - Oct 21 (1 wk)
School: Oct 24 - Nov 18 (4 wks)
Break: Nov 21 - Nov 25 (1 wk)
School: Nov 28 - Dec 16 (3 wks)
Break: Dec 19 - Jan 6 (3 wks)
School: Jan 9 - Feb 17 (6 wks)
Break: Feb 20 - Mar 2 (2 wks)
School: Mar 5 - Apr 6 (5 wks)
Break: Apr 9 - Apr 20 (2 wks)
School: Apr 23 - May 25 (5wks)
During the summer months we will school for a week and then take a week off. I plan on completing most of our lessons Monday through Thursday and using Friday as a catch up day. This will also give us a chance to take a day of during Feast Days.
I also printed 180 Days Attendence Form from Donna Young to include in my planner.
School: Sept 6 - Oct 14 (6 wks)
Break: Oct 17 - Oct 21 (1 wk)
School: Oct 24 - Nov 18 (4 wks)
Break: Nov 21 - Nov 25 (1 wk)
School: Nov 28 - Dec 16 (3 wks)
Break: Dec 19 - Jan 6 (3 wks)
School: Jan 9 - Feb 17 (6 wks)
Break: Feb 20 - Mar 2 (2 wks)
School: Mar 5 - Apr 6 (5 wks)
Break: Apr 9 - Apr 20 (2 wks)
School: Apr 23 - May 25 (5wks)
During the summer months we will school for a week and then take a week off. I plan on completing most of our lessons Monday through Thursday and using Friday as a catch up day. This will also give us a chance to take a day of during Feast Days.
I also printed 180 Days Attendence Form from Donna Young to include in my planner.
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
MJ 5/27/11
Today Dan Dan and I were able to spend some one and one time with each other. She went out with me while I ran errands. I usually try and alternate which child gets to go with me. We had a great time only one small melt down. I always now that this is worth it when she tells me in her small voice how much she loves me.
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Friday, May 27, 2011
Cover Page
I made the cover page of our homeschool binder. Next I will be working on a schedule.
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MJ 5/27/11
The girls be-dazzled one of their stuffed unicorns. Note to self, be slight suspicious if the girls are quiet in another room.
Ice Man is gaining some coordination. He finally started crawling on all fours. He will still do his army crawl when he wants to get some where fast.
Ice Man is gaining some coordination. He finally started crawling on all fours. He will still do his army crawl when he wants to get some where fast.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
This is what happens when a four year old and a two year old are quite in another room. They be-dazzled the unicorn.
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My Sister
As the anniversary of my sisters death is quickly approaching I thought I would write about her. Towards the end of her life she had let herself go as she was in a depressed state. I tend to remember her that way but I want to remember her when she was happy and full of life. I want to share these memories with my children when they are old enough to understand.
I have so much to learn from my sister she was a loving and giving person. She loved everyone regardless of their flaws. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone in need. She didn't have much but she shared more than anyone I know.
A couple of months ago our priest told the following story in his homily:
A certain monk wasted his whole life in heedlessness and idleness. Then he fell gravely ill and his end drew near, but he showed no fear of death. Instead, he was merry, and prepared for his departure from the body joyfully praising and thanking God. Gathering at his bedside, the abbot and the other monks said to him, “Brother, we are witness to your inattentive life. How is it that you are so calm and happy now, when the dread hour is at hand? May our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you, so that you can rise and explain this mystery, and we may glorify God’s greatness.” “Lifting himself up a little, the monk replied, “Reverend fathers, what you say is true. I have thoughtlessly squandered the days of my life, and a moment ago God’s angels appeared to me and read a list of all my evil deeds. “Do you admit to this?” they asked. “Everything is true,” I conceded, “but you must take into account that since I renounced the world and was tonsured, I have judged no one and held no grudges. Christ said, Judge not, that ye be not judged, and If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. I pray that these passages be applied in my case.” No sooner had I spoken these words than the angels tore to pieces the scroll on which my transgressions were recorded. Now you know why I am please be leaving this temporal realm.” With this, the brother peacefully surrendered his soul into the Lord’s hands” (The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints, by St. Dimitri of Rostov, March, P. 435f).
Afterwards Hubby mentioned to me how this story reminded him of my sister.
I have so much to learn from my sister she was a loving and giving person. She loved everyone regardless of their flaws. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone in need. She didn't have much but she shared more than anyone I know.
A couple of months ago our priest told the following story in his homily:
A certain monk wasted his whole life in heedlessness and idleness. Then he fell gravely ill and his end drew near, but he showed no fear of death. Instead, he was merry, and prepared for his departure from the body joyfully praising and thanking God. Gathering at his bedside, the abbot and the other monks said to him, “Brother, we are witness to your inattentive life. How is it that you are so calm and happy now, when the dread hour is at hand? May our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you, so that you can rise and explain this mystery, and we may glorify God’s greatness.” “Lifting himself up a little, the monk replied, “Reverend fathers, what you say is true. I have thoughtlessly squandered the days of my life, and a moment ago God’s angels appeared to me and read a list of all my evil deeds. “Do you admit to this?” they asked. “Everything is true,” I conceded, “but you must take into account that since I renounced the world and was tonsured, I have judged no one and held no grudges. Christ said, Judge not, that ye be not judged, and If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. I pray that these passages be applied in my case.” No sooner had I spoken these words than the angels tore to pieces the scroll on which my transgressions were recorded. Now you know why I am please be leaving this temporal realm.” With this, the brother peacefully surrendered his soul into the Lord’s hands” (The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints, by St. Dimitri of Rostov, March, P. 435f).
Afterwards Hubby mentioned to me how this story reminded him of my sister.
Mommy Journal 5/24/11 & 5/25/11
The past two days have been a blur. The kids have been waking up around 5:39 with Ice Man waking up twice during the night. It's been exhausting. I am starting to get used to this sleep schedule especially since Ice Man only woke up once last night.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Mommy Journal 5/23/11
Pic Pic: We had fun grocery shopping together today. I love that she loves fresh flowers. We have that in common and can't help but pick up a bouquet to bring home.
Dan Dan: She is so thoughtful. When she realized that I brought home some bananas she thanked me for them. Bananas are her favorite.
Ice Man: His personality is really starting to come out. When he starts to let out a fake cry and whine he will open his mouth and nothing will come out its the cutest thing. He is also started to dance today ever time he heard music he would bounce up and down.
Dan Dan: She is so thoughtful. When she realized that I brought home some bananas she thanked me for them. Bananas are her favorite.
Ice Man: His personality is really starting to come out. When he starts to let out a fake cry and whine he will open his mouth and nothing will come out its the cutest thing. He is also started to dance today ever time he heard music he would bounce up and down.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Homeschool and Homemaking Planner
I have been doing quite a bit of research and reading about homeschooling and home management. Next year will be our first official year of homeschooling. There is so much information out there to help but it ends up confusing me as to what will work. I prefer to have everything in one place, one calendar, one notebook etc. From what I have seen most of the time there is a separate calendar for each of the following menu planning, appointments and important dates, lesson plans, etc. Some track on the computer others have forms. I would like to have everything on one calendar and use a combination of a binder and notebook for everything else. Does anyone have any insight on how it might work or not work having everything on one calendar?
Mommy Journal 5/22/11
Pic Pic: We had fun today playing with Daddy and Grandma. We tried to suprise them by doing silly things with them.
Dan Dan: She was such a good girl in church today. I didn't have to remind her we were in Church.
Ice Man: He figured out how to get his head through the doggie door. I guess my safe zone is no longer a safe zone.
Dan Dan: She was such a good girl in church today. I didn't have to remind her we were in Church.
Ice Man: He figured out how to get his head through the doggie door. I guess my safe zone is no longer a safe zone.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Mommy Journal 5/21/11
Pic Pic: She wants to be so grown up and just like her mommy. Today she snuggled with me and helped proof read Daddy's paper.
Dan Dan: She is such a little helper. As a was cleaning my room she asked me ever so "Mommy can help you".
Ice Man: Daddy lowered his crib today. He finally figured how to stand it.
Dan Dan: She is such a little helper. As a was cleaning my room she asked me ever so "Mommy can help you".
Ice Man: Daddy lowered his crib today. He finally figured how to stand it.
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Friday, May 20, 2011
The Sitcom
Dan Dan woke up pretty cranky from her nap. So Pic Pic decides she is going to act out scenes for her sister to make her happy. First we had a fishing scene, then wedding scene and finally the Hula scene. It was so cute seeing her put these scenes together.
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Mommy Journal 5/20/11
Pic Pic: I couldn't help but look at her today and marvel at how she is becoming such a little lady. She is losing all of the baby features and truly looks like a young lady.
Dan Dan: She amazes me with her words. I love to hear her say library. It sounds something like ybryee!
Ice Man: He wants so much to keep up with his sisters. He tries so much to communicate with everyone. I love to see his wide eyes when we converse with him.
Dan Dan: She amazes me with her words. I love to hear her say library. It sounds something like ybryee!
Ice Man: He wants so much to keep up with his sisters. He tries so much to communicate with everyone. I love to see his wide eyes when we converse with him.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Mommy Journal
I saw a gift idea for this journal and thought it was a great idea. Its a journal that is designed to have you write a couple of lines each day for five years about your children. I haven't purchased the journal yet but thought I would start the idea here. I am going to try each day to write atleast one line about each one of my children. So here goes:
Pic Pic: She went to the dentist today for her first cavity fillings. Turns out that she need caps on both teeth. I felt so guilty that she was having to endure this. I couldn't help but ask myself if I could have prevented this. But atlas I remember that I have poor teeth as well and have had numerous cavities and even a cap.
Dan Dan: Poor baby was stung by a bee yesterday. She was playing outside with her sister when we heard her cry. I go out and check on her and she has a bee stuck in her figure. Not ever having experienced this I am not quite sure what to do. I yell for her Dad to come out while I try to wave her hand to get the bee out. Luckily she only had some slight swelling and redness yesterday and this morning woke up with only a little red dot at the sight of the sting.
Ice Man: He is very much a boy! Getting into everything, walking along furniture, and falling.
Pic Pic: She went to the dentist today for her first cavity fillings. Turns out that she need caps on both teeth. I felt so guilty that she was having to endure this. I couldn't help but ask myself if I could have prevented this. But atlas I remember that I have poor teeth as well and have had numerous cavities and even a cap.
Dan Dan: Poor baby was stung by a bee yesterday. She was playing outside with her sister when we heard her cry. I go out and check on her and she has a bee stuck in her figure. Not ever having experienced this I am not quite sure what to do. I yell for her Dad to come out while I try to wave her hand to get the bee out. Luckily she only had some slight swelling and redness yesterday and this morning woke up with only a little red dot at the sight of the sting.
Ice Man: He is very much a boy! Getting into everything, walking along furniture, and falling.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I didn't know that!
I read this idea on Mat Anna's blog and thought it was a great idea to share a little about myself.
1. The furthest east I had been was Texas (if you can even consider that east) until 3 years ago when hubby and I made a trip to New York City. At the time were in communion with the Eastern Catholic Church and were able to see the Pope at Yankee Stadium.
2. I was a dancer for 12 years in my youth. I danced from the time I was six until right before my eighteenth birthday. I was mainly a classically trained ballet dancer. Interestingly enough I am quite clumsy and have two left feet (that are what I describe square Barney Rubble feet from all those years in point shoes.)
3. I prefer not to drive on the interstate. I am living in a big city and prefer not to drive on bridges changing from one interstate to another. They intimate me.
4. I have not lived outside of Arizona and have not lived where it snowed in the city. With that being said I have only seen snow less than a dozen times. However there is a possibility that we may be moving back east at the end of the summer. It should lead to rather interesting stories.
5. I saw Groundhog Day for the first time last year. Since then I have purchased the movie. Hubby makes fun of me for my lack of not having seen some of these classic 90's movies.
6. I have not been camping. Hubby does not know if I would be able to last in the wilderness with sounds of bugs nearby. Anytime I spot any sort of bug I run the other way. I use to run wildley but since having children I try and run calmly.
7. I am a history and geography dud. Hubby always stumps me when it comes to geography and history. I am looking forward to learning and perhaps sparking a new interest in these subjects as I teach the children.
8. I am not a very creative person. Which does not make sense since I majored in Marketing. I am much more an analytical thinker. Give me a math problem or when I worked some kind of manual recalculation and I will have a spark of excitement and adrenaline.
9. The girls birth names and both dogs names begin with a D. More often than not I can be found calling the dogs by one of the girls names or the girls by one of the dogs names. We were going to continue this trend with Ice Man but couldn't find a name we agreed upon.
10. I haven't broken a bone. Glory to God I have been a healthy person. The only times I have been hospitalized were when I had my three children. The closest major thing I had done to that was having a wisdom tooth pulled. It is rather surprising that I have not broken bones as I am always running into things. I do end up with some nice bruises though.
1. The furthest east I had been was Texas (if you can even consider that east) until 3 years ago when hubby and I made a trip to New York City. At the time were in communion with the Eastern Catholic Church and were able to see the Pope at Yankee Stadium.
2. I was a dancer for 12 years in my youth. I danced from the time I was six until right before my eighteenth birthday. I was mainly a classically trained ballet dancer. Interestingly enough I am quite clumsy and have two left feet (that are what I describe square Barney Rubble feet from all those years in point shoes.)
3. I prefer not to drive on the interstate. I am living in a big city and prefer not to drive on bridges changing from one interstate to another. They intimate me.
4. I have not lived outside of Arizona and have not lived where it snowed in the city. With that being said I have only seen snow less than a dozen times. However there is a possibility that we may be moving back east at the end of the summer. It should lead to rather interesting stories.
5. I saw Groundhog Day for the first time last year. Since then I have purchased the movie. Hubby makes fun of me for my lack of not having seen some of these classic 90's movies.
6. I have not been camping. Hubby does not know if I would be able to last in the wilderness with sounds of bugs nearby. Anytime I spot any sort of bug I run the other way. I use to run wildley but since having children I try and run calmly.
7. I am a history and geography dud. Hubby always stumps me when it comes to geography and history. I am looking forward to learning and perhaps sparking a new interest in these subjects as I teach the children.
8. I am not a very creative person. Which does not make sense since I majored in Marketing. I am much more an analytical thinker. Give me a math problem or when I worked some kind of manual recalculation and I will have a spark of excitement and adrenaline.
9. The girls birth names and both dogs names begin with a D. More often than not I can be found calling the dogs by one of the girls names or the girls by one of the dogs names. We were going to continue this trend with Ice Man but couldn't find a name we agreed upon.
10. I haven't broken a bone. Glory to God I have been a healthy person. The only times I have been hospitalized were when I had my three children. The closest major thing I had done to that was having a wisdom tooth pulled. It is rather surprising that I have not broken bones as I am always running into things. I do end up with some nice bruises though.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My First Orthodox Pascha in the Church
Last year was our first Orthodox Pascha, however I was unable to attend any services as we were blessed with Ice Man being born during Holy week. Hubby attended the Pascha services on his own and was given the honor of serving for the first time in this Parish.
This year we attended all the Holy Week services. I relate Holy Week to giving birth to a child as hard work but exciting and definitely worth it. Hubby and I made the decision to have the girls stay home for the Paschal service. With it being my first Paschal service, we thought it was best for me to get an idea of how the service was before we brought all the children. We did take Ice Man as he still wakes throughout the night to nurse. He was startled a couple of times but I was able to rock him easily back to sleep. He then woke right before communion. Hubby served and I sang in the choir.
I was blessed by being asked to make the red eggs for our Parish. I realized that I didn't get very many pictures as I was in awe the whole week. Here is a picture of a couple of eggs we brought home.
Hubby and I only got about four hours of sleep but it was well worth it. Sunday morning we had family over for an early brunch and then headed to Vespers with the children. Here are a few pictures and a video I captured of them on the way home.
There are a couple of things I want to try and remember for next year. Have all the cooking/baking and laundry done by Holy Wednesday. This year I made Pascha Cheese and Kulich but I made it at the end of the week which added to the exhaustion.
This year we attended all the Holy Week services. I relate Holy Week to giving birth to a child as hard work but exciting and definitely worth it. Hubby and I made the decision to have the girls stay home for the Paschal service. With it being my first Paschal service, we thought it was best for me to get an idea of how the service was before we brought all the children. We did take Ice Man as he still wakes throughout the night to nurse. He was startled a couple of times but I was able to rock him easily back to sleep. He then woke right before communion. Hubby served and I sang in the choir.
I was blessed by being asked to make the red eggs for our Parish. I realized that I didn't get very many pictures as I was in awe the whole week. Here is a picture of a couple of eggs we brought home.
Hubby and I only got about four hours of sleep but it was well worth it. Sunday morning we had family over for an early brunch and then headed to Vespers with the children. Here are a few pictures and a video I captured of them on the way home.
There are a couple of things I want to try and remember for next year. Have all the cooking/baking and laundry done by Holy Wednesday. This year I made Pascha Cheese and Kulich but I made it at the end of the week which added to the exhaustion.
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