Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mommy Journal

I saw a gift idea for this journal and thought it was a great idea. Its a journal that is designed to have you write a couple of lines each day for five years about your children. I haven't purchased the journal yet but thought I would start the idea here. I am going to try each day to write atleast one line about each one of my children. So here goes:

Pic Pic: She went to the dentist today for her first cavity fillings. Turns out that she need caps on both teeth. I felt so guilty that she was having to endure this. I couldn't help but ask myself if I could have prevented this. But atlas I remember that I have poor teeth as well and have had numerous cavities and even a cap.

Dan Dan: Poor baby was stung by a bee yesterday. She was playing outside with her sister when we heard her cry. I  go out and check on her and she has a bee stuck in her figure. Not ever having experienced this I am not quite sure what to do. I yell for her Dad to come out while I try to wave her hand to get the bee out. Luckily she only had some slight swelling and redness yesterday and this morning woke up with only a little red dot at the sight of the sting.

Ice Man: He is very much a boy! Getting into everything, walking along furniture, and falling.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I just got a new journal in the mail yesterday and I am going to try to do this :) Thanks!!
