Sunday, June 26, 2011


I was able to accomplish quite a bit today. Two loads of laundry are completely done, including folding and put away. The third load is in the dryer. The house is somewhat tidy. A defiant big improvement from this morning. I should have taken pictures but it would have been too embarrassing.

Tommorrows plan is to continue getting caught up with laundry. I usually try and wash sheets on Monday. I also have a load of Ice Man's clothes and towels. I have a long list of errands to do as well. My goal is to get about half the errands done before it gets to hot.

1. Return library books.
2. Refill ink cartridge at office supply store
3. Pick up candles at drug store.
4. Shopping at 99 cent store
5. Regular Grocery Shopping

I try and shop at the 99 cent store before going grocery shopping. They have quite a few things we eat on a regular basis.

And if I still have energy left I will start on the weekly routine.
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