Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Annunciation & Some Lenten Lesson Plans

Today we celebrated the Annunciation. After Liturgy we read the short story of the Annunciation from Orthodox Online and colored our icons.

I couldn't get them to stay still long enough not to have their colorings come out blurry. 

Pic Pic and I have also been working on a Lenten Journey Poster.

For each day of lent a footstep is added leading to the icons of Palm Sunday and the Resurrection.

We are having fun working on "crafts" as Pic Pic calls them for Lent. It is such an amazing thing to see her comprehending our faith. We have a few more "crafts" we will try and work on, time permitting.

Although this is our second year of Lent in the Orthodox church, we are still having many firsts. Last year we were living in another town and were only able to make services every other Sunday and the kids and I missed Pascha services since I had just had Ice Man.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daybook - Intentions

Outside my window... dark and cool. Looks like one last cool down before the summer heat is upon us.

I am thinking... I had all these intentions of how I want to spend this Lenten season. We have had a bout of viruses and visitors. I am going to try and dedicate this last weeks of lent to attend all church services and focus on prayer and spiritual reading.
I am thankful for ... a visiting family and an understanding husband.

From the learning room ... we are working on transitioning Pic Pic to kindergarten. She is doing well at preschool and seems to get bored with it. So far she is doing well. We are still doing some preschool activities for fun.
From the kitchen ... I am trying to keep an easy menu for the rest of this fasting period. I want to start thinking about what we will be making on Pascha.

I am wearing ... yoga pants and a t-shirt.

I am creating ...I am not a very creative person but I have been working on lesson plans and workbooks for Pic Pic. I also am still working on a home management binder that's going to work. I think the simpler the better.

I am going ... to bed early (hopefully). I have been having a sore throat the last couple of days and am praying that sleep and vitamins will cure it.
I am reading ... The Royal Way of the Cross.
I am hoping be able to attend all the rest of our church services for this Lenten season.

I am hearing ...a baby boy trying to talk. Lots of baby chatter and trying to sing. Its so cute to really see them finding their vocal cords.
Around the house ... a mess. With all the viruses and visitors the house is in desperate need of good cleaning.

One of my favorite things ... hot tea to soothe a sore throat.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... church services everyday this week. I want to keep our plans simple until after Pascha.
Picture thoughts to share ...
Ice Man on his 1st