Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Better Day

Today was a much better day. The pain is starting to subside from weaning. I am still engorged and mostly tender. Glory to God it seems like the worst of it may be over.

It's amazing how untidy a house can get when you let one day go by. I picked up the house this morning and was able to lay down for a while when the kids were resting. I haven't had much time to start packing yet.

Tommorrow I am going to try and finish out the weekly chores. We plan on having a garage sale this weekend. I am going to try and go through the kids clothes and toys. I am not sure if I can get through it in one day but I sure will try.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An unproductive day

It's been a rough day. Weaning Ice Man is much more painful than I anticipated. He is doing well with the adjustment. The pain of weaning along with the combination of the heat has been pretty exhausting. I also woke up with a stye on my lower eye lid.

Hopefully tommorrow will be more productive.
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Monday, June 27, 2011

A Hot Day

Today wasn't as progressive as I would have liked it to be. I couldn't fall back asleep after Ice Man woke up this morning at 3:15. I decided to get some reading done while the house was quite. Once hubby woke I started my morning routine.

I wanted to get an early start on my errands as the high was supposed to get up to 114. And boy did it get hot. I was able to get all my errands done and two loads of laundry. I ran out of steam before I could get to the weekly routine.

Ice Man and I are making progress on weaning him. The last time he nursed was at 3:15 am. I am rather uncomfortable and am praying to be able to be productive the next couple days.

Tommorrow's plan is to work on our weekly routine, wash our sheets, and possibly start packing (simplifying our stuff as well). I started making a moving to do list. I would like to mark off a couple things from this list.

But before I head of to bed I must get my evening routine done.
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Hacked Email

About three weeks ago my email account was hacked. I have since created a new email account but haven't moved anything over. I am hesitant to do this since I have so much linked to it. Has any one had this happen? What are your recommendations?
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Sunday, June 26, 2011


I was able to accomplish quite a bit today. Two loads of laundry are completely done, including folding and put away. The third load is in the dryer. The house is somewhat tidy. A defiant big improvement from this morning. I should have taken pictures but it would have been too embarrassing.

Tommorrows plan is to continue getting caught up with laundry. I usually try and wash sheets on Monday. I also have a load of Ice Man's clothes and towels. I have a long list of errands to do as well. My goal is to get about half the errands done before it gets to hot.

1. Return library books.
2. Refill ink cartridge at office supply store
3. Pick up candles at drug store.
4. Shopping at 99 cent store
5. Regular Grocery Shopping

I try and shop at the 99 cent store before going grocery shopping. They have quite a few things we eat on a regular basis.

And if I still have energy left I will start on the weekly routine.
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Moving Routines

While in the process of moving I plan on keeping easy routines. I am going to try an stick with the Flylady routines.

1. Prayers
2. Get Dressed
3. Make Beds
4. Swish & Swipe
5. Load of Laundry
6. Empty Dishwasher

1. Tidy Kitchen
2. Layout Clothes
3. Launch pad
4. Check Calendar/To do list
5. Bath/Showers

1. Vacuum
2. Dust
3. Mop
4. Wipe Down Glass & Mirrors
5. Change Sheets
6. Empty all trash
7. Clean Fridge
8. Menu planning
9. Balance Checkbook
10. Pay Bills

As it stands, our house is a mess. Today my plan is to pick it up as much as possible and to come up with a moving to do list.

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Being the only Orthodox in our family, they do not understand our decision to attend seminary. At times like this I miss my sister tremendously. She was always supportive of any decision we made. She would have been so proud of hubby.
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Friday, June 24, 2011


It looks like we will be moving within the next couple months. We are headed to seminary in Pa. We are excited and nervous about the change. Neither one of has lived in the snow and we are moving blindly. Not having been to the area we are moving to. We are in major condense move as we are more than likely going to live in a smaller space. I will try to keep posting on our progress.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Whenever we are doing school work Pic Pic refers to me as teacher. Now Dan Dan refers to me as teacher all the time. She sees me in pictures and she states that its teacher. If we ask who her mommy is she says teacher. She is just too cute.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Update and Weekly Summary!

My mom is doing much better. The prognosis is normal wear and tear due to age. She left this week to visit my brother for a week then will be back for a week then will leave for another week to visit her siblings in Colorado.

We have had a round of illness in our house. It first started with Dan Dan having a stomach bug then it moved on to Pic Pic. Now Ice Man has a cold. Sometimes I don't know which I prefer having the kids all sick at once or one at a time.

I have been trying to stick to simple routines. I get very discouraged and distracted when the house is a mess. Instead of doing what I normally do, try to go on a mass cleaning spree leading to the master bathroom looking somewhat clean and the rest of the house a mess, I am trying to stick with Flylady's morning and evening routine. I have also been trying to take the kids to the subdivision park in the mornings before it gets to hot. Another thing I have been doing is trying to get the two little ones to nap at the same time and having Pic Pic rest at that time as well. It's so refreshing to have that time to myself. I try and spend 15 minutes cleaning and then 15 minutes resting.

I am still working on our homeschool plans. I have some written out plans that just need to be typed. I have been trying to earn swagbucks to trade in for amazon gift cards to purchase the remaining curriculum items we need. After looking at samples of handwriting without tears and a reason for handwriting I decided to go with a reason for handwriting. I think Pic
Pic will do better with it.

My email was hacked this week. I apologize if any of you got spam emails from me. I am in the process of moving everything over to a new email account.

Our plans for next week are to keep working on our routines and switching email accounts. My fifteen year old cousin will be here spending a few weeks with us. She loves spending time with the kids. I plan on using the time to go through clothes, toys etc. And lastly getting a year older.
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The Pantry

Pic Pic says to me this morning I know why they call it a pantree. There is a tree on top of the pantry.
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Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Orthodox Learning Plans

Each month I gather resources for our Orthodox learning plans. I try to pull as many free resources as possible. Here are our plans for this month:
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Friday, June 3, 2011


This week has been rather chaotic. My mom who lives with us had a minor knee injury that set us back some with running her to the doctors and errands. Dan Dan has also been battling a small stomach bug. And our netbook is currently out of commission. It was such a luxury to be able to take it to whatever room I was in, mainly the kitchen and family room. We also celebrated Ascension and my mom's birthday this week. Despite everything going on we managed to spend some time outside and enjoy the weather before it gets to hot.
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