Sunday, December 12, 2010


I have run across this book list a couple of times over the past week. Sad to say but I haven't read very many books on this list. I love to read but have found that I don't have much time for it any more. Or I should rephrase that, I haven't made much time for it. I used to make the time when I was reading popular fiction but found that many of the titles I was reading had a liberal tone to them. I have tried to read the classics but I have been reading The Brother's Karamazov for the past 6 months and it has been my second attempt at reading it. Its hard for me to focus all my attention on a book, which I need to do when I am reading the classics.  My goal is to try and read as many of these as I can in the next year. I have read some of them but don't remember much about them so I will try and re-read all of them, with the exception of Harry Potter. I read the set about seven years ago so I remember the stories more vividly. I will post my progress as I go but first I must finish The Brother's Karamazov.


  1. You know, I went to the link that Elizabeth posted in which she listed 19th century literature she had read. You might feel better if you try that one! I did. (And I never finished TBK either.)

  2. I checked her list and think I would feel more comfortable reading those books. I have to admit that I did read some of the popular books such as Bridget Jones Diary. I am going to try and come up with a list of books I would like to read. My husband usually has some good suggestions to read. I have to write a post on some of the books he has gifted me.
